Sincerely Wish

I'm fearful because of my happiness. 
Do you see such my feeling?

There is surely no one of no change,
like being so the age and the person.

If so, do even your feeling change any time, too?

I don't want to think of the word and the promise
that you gave to be the one only now.
However, even if it is so,
after all, I'll believe all of you.

No matter how I try to tell you that I love you,
I can't do it enough.

There is surely no more happiness for me.
I'm really glad that you're beside of me.

Can I correctly tell it to you?
Please tell me now.

I want you to take me by the hand, always.
Never let me go.
Instead of my feeling that I can't tell it enough,
I want you to feel temperature at least. 

I don't want to think of the word and the promise
that you gave to be the one only now.
However, even if it is so,
after all, I'll believe all of you.

I want you to take me by the hand, always.
Never let me go.
No matter what happens ever after,
I sincerely wish that I can see me your eyes all the time.

そんな気持ちが あなたにはわかる?

きっと変わらないものなんてない 時代もひとも

それなら あなたの気持ちさえも
いつかは 変わってしまうの?

あなたがくれた言葉も 約束も
でも たとえそうだとしても
やっぱり私は あなたの全てを信じてしまうの

こんなにも あなたが好きなのに
どんな言葉でも 伝えきれないの

きっと私にとって もうこれ以上の幸せはないよ
あなたがそばにいてくれることを 私は本当に嬉しく思ってる

ちゃんと伝わってる? 教えてよ ほら

いつも私の手を繋いでいて 決して放さないで
せめて私の温もりを 感じていて欲しいんだよ

あなたがくれた言葉も 約束も
でも たとえそうだとしても
やっぱり私は あなたの全てを信じてしまうの

いつも私の手を繋いでいて 決して放さないで
この先 どんなことがあっても
ずっと あなたの瞳の中に映っている私を
見ていられるようにと 心から祈ってる

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